Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Well the old wiring is now almost completely removed or disconnected from anything the little that remains. It has begun to go back in now after making the pilot birth bulkhead and putting in trunking. Found the leak in the roof having as yet finding it, great big hole behind the companionway hatch instruments, who ever made the hole needs to sit in a quite room for a while and wonder why did they do that. As for this bundle of cable in the chart table, i thought the space was for charts! Having started the week a little overwhelmed with the wiring task, serious progress has been made.

Friday, 24 June 2016

more info than you need

Dr. Thomas Hawson Ph.D.
Hundalee Mill Farm
Tel: 01835 869931
Mob: 07801653830

work in progress blog:

sailing blog:


Well just spent last two days feverishly at the drawing board in books, on the computer and the phone, working out every milli amp and wire of our brand new to be electric system. I have in my hand a wiring diagram and fat wadge of online purchasing receipts, ouch! Comprehensive? i hope so, now have gone and ordered most of it and i have three highly qualified electrical engineering friends yet to give me there opinions on my calculations and schematics. Might scan and email them off now so i wont unwrap more heavy metal sea god offerings than i need too.

Have i gone to far!

Re plumbed the hot water tank to a ....... Wait for it.. A hot cockpit shower. I m never coming home.

Locker lid gas lifter

Wow a lid that lifts its self not sure how happy i am with its enthusiasm to lift, flip the latch and its up. Hoping the oak and stainless steel cock pit bench tops will calm that.

Toilet plumbed

New skin fittings fitted and toilet plumbed in and tested. Awaiting sea trails.

Gally basics

We now have a sea water pump at the sink to save fresh water. We can also re-plumb it to pump the fresh water should the pressurised hot and cold fail.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Batten down the hatches

The port lights came out easily today. No surprise they had been leaking. The sikaflex 291i goo bedded them in nicely.


Cosy in the locker

Not a place i would choose to hang out laying in the bottom of chortles cockpit locker but after tightening so many jubilee clips one needs a little rest. And look at those brand new robust skin fittings, these will give me a little more reassurance chortle is not about to sink while on the water.

Friday, 3 June 2016


With the same rig i lifted the engine in with i could conveniently load test my battery cable terminal crimps. Bounced about on this one, thats 90kg anyway. Thanks to my friendly electrical contractor who loaned me his hydraulic crimp tool all is fine and dandy.