Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Chortle is still for sale

Although chortle was under offer the clients wife did not like the colour. So it is still very much for sale! Please go to the brokers site:

Hundalee Mill Farm
T. 01835 869931
M. 07801 653830

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Under offer

We are home from cleaning and scubbing, and making good for Winter our wee home on the blue for another to share the sea on the good ship chortle. Here now home we raise toast to all who sail on her! Tears flow

Winterising cock pit seats

The screw go into epoxy bedded captive plugs. The last two pictures illustrate the starboard seat uses two slot head screws through a long wooden wedge to keep the forard end level. All clean and tickatyboo and stowed in the foxall for winter.